

Sumac is not very common in an American kitchen, but for centuries this spice has been one of the main staples in Middle Eastern cuisine for its bittersweet, tart, citrusy flavor.  Traditionally dishes that include Sumac are hummus or baba ganoush, but if you’re looking for more of a nontraditional route why not sprinkle some Sumac on a slice of melon with crushed black and red pepper or maybe on some freshly grilled oysters with chives, parmesan, and garlic. Sumac can even be used to settle your upset stomach by taking a spoonful of our Sumac Powder and mixing it in a glass of water, then done the hatch!

Ingredients: Dried Sumac

Country of Origin: Jordan

Spice Pals: Mint, Thyme, Garlic, Lemon, Garbanzo Bean, Onion, Walnut, Pine Nut, Allspice, Chile Peppers, Cilantro, Cumin


